Gary Catrambone


Gary Catrambone

A Delran Resident for 51 years

Gary has lived in the same neighborhood since he was 15 years old. When he married Julie 29 years ago, he welcomed Julie’s daughter, Germaine, to their home. Just over a year later, they had Nina and six years later, Rose.

Germaine is now married to Ryan and the mother of his grandson, Padraig, and granddaughter, Brighid. Germaine is an elementary teacher in Maryland. Nina is a graduate of Rider University and works locally in Sales and Marketing and Rose works locally at a small manufacturing operation.


Gary is the Manager of the Medford Motor Vehicle Commission office. This agency handles only vehicle work including initial titles and registrations or renewals. Handicap, Veterans, or Purple Heart placards are issued and license plates can be surrendered at the Medford agency.   

Before the MVC, Gary worked for 10 years as the Vice President of Marketing for a technology company in the mortgage industry in Trevose, PA. He is also an active business owner in the entertainment business. 

He has been active in numerous civic and charitable endeavors like the March of Dimes, the American Cancer Society, the ALS Association, and the Red Cross.

While attending the township’s meetings starting in 1998, he felt a need for more people to be involved and for the residents to be better informed. Gary’s hardworking approach to community service has delivered results to those seeking easier access to township information.
