Infrastructure Maintenance and Stability

Maintaining infrastructure is a complex process. It may not be exciting, but as we frequently like to remind residents: we don’t talk much about the Sewer Department and that is a good thing. If we’re talking about them, it means something stopped working. And these things have to work.

For that to happen, we must work with our engineers, professionals, and township employees to prepare for maintenance and repairs. While in office, we have repaired, refurbished, or replaced sewer lines, outfalls for stormwater management, bridges, stormwater inlets, and valves in the river and at Swedes Lake to upgrade and maintain our complex utility infrastructure.

Additionally, maintaining and repairing is only one factor. We are always looking for new ways to improve infrastructure. In 2022, we were fortunate to receive The State of New Jersey’s Safe Streets to Transit Grant of $575,000.00 which will allow for Route 130 & Chester Ave Pedestrian Safety Improvements for the designing and installation of sidewalks contributing to the overall safety and accessibility of mass transit riders walking to transit facilities.

Seeking out and applying for these grants goes hand in hand with maintaining and safeguarding our infrastructure for our residents while also keeping taxes stable.


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